At IKWRO we are specialists on the harmful practices of “honour” based abuse, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and domestic abuse delivering training sessions to students at primary schools, secondary schools, pupil referral units, colleges and universities. Our training sessions are bespoke and can be tailored to the needs of your organisation.

We support schools by providing workshops to students on healthy relationships and harmful practices to try to combat abuse within families and future relationships by raising awareness on these issues and ensuring all students know how to stay safe if they or others are at risk.

An outline of our training courses:

Primary Schools: different types of relationships, healthy and unhealthy relationships, notions of power, secrets, personal space, safe and unsafe closeness/touching, the NSPCC Pants Rule, and support available.

Secondary Schools/Colleges: definitions of the harmful practices, the different types of abuse that fall within these, why the harmful practices happen, case studies, films, and support available.

Universities: bespoke training sessions based around the harmful practices of “honour” based abuse, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and domestic abuse to ensure that graduating students are equipped with knowledge on how to protect those at risk of harmful practices and how to respond safely.

Feedback from Schools training:

“The project was absolutely brilliant and my staff thought it was the best two days they have had! The children and staff got so much learning from it. If you need me to rave about how amazing it is to anyone, let me know!” 

“I just wanted to express how amazing the workshop was. The facilitators managed to deal the sensitive issues in such an impressive and seamless way and the children gained so much from it. I genuinely feel that every child should be able to experience the workshop. I am so very grateful that my class were able to be involved with it, and I know that they will be referring back to what they learned for years to come, so thank you again.”

To book a training session for your school/organisation, or for more information, please contact 02079206460. Alternatively you can email us at

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